Glove Review: PIG Delta Utility Gloves – Multicam Black

I’ve already covered the Deltas in a previous review, I don’t like to go over old ground and often at the sake of writing long ass articles I’ll try and cover off a subject in one hit… Why use 1 word when you can fit in 10? The point is, sometimes it’s not always possible to capture everything in your first go. Things change, sometimes opinions do to. I’m actually quite critical of my own writing, one thing I’ll very rarely do is revisit an older post because I’ll want to tear it down and start again.

So why revisit something so simple as a glove? Well the answer is simple… These ain’t quite the same beast as the ranger green Deltas I first reviewed a while back. The Multicam Black are subtly different in design, feel and construction from their solid colour-way brethren.

I paid for these with my own hard earned money, I’m blaming Tactical Kit UK for having a sneaky sale a few months ago but the truth is I really want to build my Multicam Black kit pile for the inevitable one night game a year I’ll actually get to use it 😂.

This article acts as a companion to the previous Delta review, so please feel free to refer to my original review (link here) to fill in the gaps.

One of the key differences between the solid colourway and the new Multicam Black Deltas is in the materials used and where they’ve been employed. The plain colour Deltas have an almost underwear quality to them, designed to hug the contours of your hand with zero compromise on dexterity. The thinness of the materials used and the construction on the originals makes not only the palms and fingers ultra thin but also incredibly malleable, thus making them highly dexterous.

The Multicam Black ones feel quite different to me, certainly the mesh type material on the rear of the glove plays an important role in the pattern (I’m not sure that Multicam Black would print well onto the stretch type material used in the green Deltas) but it does appear to come at the expense of a perceived lack of dexterity, certainly that’s my experience.

Design, another key difference is in the subtle updates brought to the new generation of Delta gloves, the originals might have been good but they’re not perfect. When buying specialist equipment such as gloves it’s worth bearing in mind that they’re not designed to last forever… PPE such as gloves and eyewear are perishable, they should be replaced as and when needed with an emphasis that they’re designed to be replaced periodically.

PIG have gone for a “stencil” design on the writing with the newest iteration of the Deltas, both solid colours (pics below of the plain black Deltas) and Multicam Black Deltas. With this change in design the grip pattern on the newer Deltas should in theory stay in place far longer than that on the originals, but only time will tell on that front…

One things for sure, if it comes away on these then it’ll be harder to deal with than simply peeling off the loose bits. That being said, the palm is a definite improvement on the older delta design, I’m just weighing it up as to its benefits with the other changes made.

Thanks to @AA02-Stretch for the info regarding the new gen solid blacks… certainly worth considering if the old design put you off buying a pair.

As you can see on the pics above and below, the solid black Deltas retain the original 2 way stretch material of the originals but with the new, improved grip design and the subtle tweak on the thumb seam placement (more on this below).

Another perceived difference in design is the cut, now I might not be correct but the thumb certainly appears a subtly different design with more of the palm material rolling around to the inside of your thumb which moves the seam out of the way, thus improving grip and comfort.

They have kept the same cuff design as previously used, one of my favourite parts as it’s such an improvement on the Mechanix cuff and without a doubt the lowest profile of any glove I’ve used save for surgical gloves.

The Boar design, printed on the back of the hand returns as well. Not purely for aesthetics, it’s deceptively hard wearing and offers protection to the back of the hand.

Feel, probably the number one concern with a glove… Certainly one that’s marketed as a high dexterity glove. I have to say that all things considered I prefer the feel and fit of the Plain green ones, this might be in part due to the sizing (which I’ll get onto later). The gloves don’t feel quite as “hugging” as the original Deltas, this might be just my perception, but perception is important when it’s an item that’s designed for a complex job.

Sizing, my only real gripe is in the sizing of these compared to other Delta gloves. Considering they’re meant to be the same product, the sizing is different.

My old green Deltas were a medium… they were a touch on the tight side but soon wore in to fit the lines of my hand perfectly, I figured that this time I’d go for a size bigger… I’m not even sure why, I just felt that maybe if I went a size up then I might not struggle as much to put them on as new.

  • To put it into perspective, a green Medium is bigger than a Multicam Black Large, they’re bound to wear in a little but Jesus… the new ones are tighter than a Scottish duck’s arse in winter.
  • Not unusable but I’d thoroughly recommend double checking your sizing before ordering, to be fair… They have released a size guide specifically for the Multicam Black gloves but although assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups you’d have thought that same product would equal same size across the board.

    Pros and cons, well… if I hadn’t have gotten on so well with the originals I wouldn’t have paid £35 for a pair of these as a replacement, it’s more than it’s competitors but it’s only once you’ve started using them that you can see the benefits.

    As I said before, it’s a perishable item and my old piggies are on their last legs after 18 months/2 years of use. I can’t talk for the durability of the new ones but they appear on first impressions to be a little more durable but at the expense of dexterity.

    There isn’t much on the market that comes close to the piggies and as the older green gloves are being pushed into retirement I’ll be moving across to the Multicam Black ones for those times I need a thin and highly capable glove.

    To summarise, a good glove but with a clearly defined feeling that changes have been made in order to supply them in this seasons camouflage of choice. Whether the changes are enough to sway me from the Multicam Black ones I can’t be sure… My green Deltas were worn in like a comfortable pair of walking boots, within a month or so I’m sure these will feel the same. I sure remember that my other Deltas felt a little odd when fresh out the pack, it’s likely that I’m just resisting the inevitable of having to bin my old Green Deltas.

    On a positive note, comparing this to other contenders in the glove market they come up very strong, mechanix still can’t appear to see the faults in their antiquated stitching design (certainly around the fingers) and I’m rapidly eating through yet another almost new pair of fast fits at work within a matter of a few weeks.

    I can’t comment on the durability of these yet as I’ve literally only worn them to 2 games but already they’ve avoided the ultra rapid wear of the Green Deltas, I’m sure they’re more than able to outlast the 2 years or so my greens have so far.

    If your looking for a low profile glove I’d wholeheartedly recommend the Deltas, just be aware that they are subtly different from theit first generation gloves in designs and size. I’m going to be having a look at the Alphas in an upcoming review, so stay tuned over the next few months to see how it goes.

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