How To: Mod The Angry Gun MWS Ambi Mag Release

So, A while back I decided to order a few parts for my MWS From Ehobbyasia. The parts were meant to be drop in replacements… However, It turned out to not be quite so simple.

Neither the Magazine release or the Selector work as they should out of the box, The Selector is a topic for another day… However, The Magazine release is something that although doesn’t work as it should straight away, A little work will get it where it should be.

I must warn you, Importing parts from a non domestic source is risky… If there are any issues your European consumer protection laws will not help you, Not will PayPal automatically assist you. In my case I was left with the choice of sending the parts back to Hong Kong (recorded of course) at my own expense, without a guarantee of a refund and indeed without reimbursement for the Import duties incurred whilst getting the parts into the country. As such, I’ll probably not do the same again and I’ll certainly avoid Ehobbyasia… Their lack of communication and unwillingness to even acknowledge my concerns is nothing short of disgusting. Angry gun might be the ones to blame for off spec parts, but Ehobbyasia should be helping their customer, not ignoring them.

The Ambidextrous selector is going to require a hell of a lot of work and may never function how I want it to, However… The Magazine release is a pretty simple affair to modify to fit correctly.

The basic design of the Troy magazine release is that of the standard colt design, With one vital difference… On the catch side of the release there’s an additional button, this one actuated via a cam within its design. When the lower part of the button is depressed it forces the release to be triggered.

The cam part of this design has unfortunately not been given enough material to allow enough movement to actuate the magazine release. After an unsuccessful appeal with PayPal and Ehobbyasia to resolve the issues with parts that were not fit for purpose, I decided that modification was the best course of action…

There are a couple of points to bear in mind with this design, It’s low profile enough to not be easily pressed by mistake, Yet big enough to be easily activated when needed.

So, the actual modification is simple as peas… take the mag release and simply file off enough material (see picture below) until the release works as it should. Too little filed off and it simply won’t work, too much… Well, you’ll need to replace the whole catch as the magazine won’t be held firmly enough. Get it just right and it’ll do the job just fine.

One final note… This work shouldn’t be required, A manufacturer with the ability such as Angry Gun should be getting the details right. Their L119A2 rails are reported to be excellent, As are their 870 gas stocks. The simple job of copying an easy to manufacture part should be child’s play in comparison. I hope that I’ve just been unlucky, It’s good to see aftermarket parts being made for the MWS system. But ultimately if they’re not up to the task your better off leaving it stock.

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