Tokyo Marui MP5A5 Next Generation Recoil Shock: A First Look?

Is this some sort of joke? A prank?

No. I swear on me Nan’s lyfe.

A follower of the blog who lives in Tokyo who I keep in touch with regularly passed me a sneaky first glimpse of what looks to be Marui’s latest teaser, but not just a trigger guard…

Ever wished you could read Japanese? Yeah, me too.

Luckily, my man in Japan can. “次世代電動ガン” translates as “Next-generation electric gun”, well… fuck me… looks like we’ve finally got what we wanted.

The picture is taken from the June 2021 cover of Arms Magazine, a Japanese airsoft publication going back to the late ‘80s.

I know you would Reggie Ray…

The picture was taken direct from Amazon’s Japanese site, click here for the listing (no, it’s not a Rick roll… although I was tempted).

So what else can I tell you that isn’t obvious? Well it’s got a four position selector… So we’re getting a burst feature as well as the usual bells and whistles of a NGRS platform.

As far as news goes, this is as close to perfect as we’re likely to get. An A5 also leaves the door wide open for making our own SD variants if one isn’t announced soon enough for all you hushpuppy lovers.

There’s really nothing else to say, if it’s legit then I’m proud to be the guy to tell you all. If it’s a joke, then I’m the first one to fall for it. Oh, and I’d like to think I was the one who put the ball in motion with a little email I sent Marui a while back…